Ancient civilizations. - Danbury, Conn : Grolier Educational, 2000. - 10 v.

v. 1. Aborigines--astronomy -- v. 2. Aztecs--China -- v. 3 Ch'in Shihuangdi's Tomb--exploration -- v. 4. Food and drink--Incas -- v. 5. India--legal codes -- v. 6. Literature--Mississippians -- v. 7. Moche--Persian empire -- v. 8. Phoenicians--social organization -- v. 9. Southeast Asia--tombs and burial rites -- v. 10. Tools and technology--writing.

A multi-volume encyclopedia with alphabetically aranged topics relating to ancient civilizations and the discovery of famous archaeological sites.


Civilization, Ancient--Encyclopedias.
Prehistoric peoples--Encyclopedias.
Excavations (Archaeology)--Encyclopedias.